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Are You Using Real Honey?

February 20, 2015


Look on any grocery store shelf and you will see many different types of honey. It can come in different packages as well as colors and flavors. But, what are you really getting? Is it real honey or are you getting something that is considered "adulterated" honey? A quick look down the ingredients label will tell you the truth about that bottle you are about to put into your shopping cart.

The honey we sell at ManukaHoneyUSA.com is pure honey. All the work and ingredients are supplied by the honeybee. With adulterated honey, ingredients such as corn syrup, sugar syrup, molasses, dextrose, starch, flour, and glucose are added. You really need to check the label because it may say something like "Pure Honey" in large letters, with "contains" barely large enough to be legible. The product started out as honey, but the item you are holding in your hand is anything but pure.

Honey Misconceptions

At times, honey will crystallize. Regardless of the honey being pure or adulterated, this may happen. Crystallization can occur with both types of honey, and this is extremely common where the climate is temperate. Honey can actually crystallize in the comb in certain conditions.

Another misconception is the flammability of pure honey. One method suggests dipping a cotton ball into the honey and then applying a match. If the honey burns, it is pure. This is another myth, though, as its "burnability" seems to rely more on the amount of honey being used and/or how long the flame was being applied to the cotton ball versus the actual purity of the honey.

Is There Any Way to Test Pure Honey?

It is no secret there are many fraudulent "pure" honey brands on the market. These brands tout being pure honey, and may actually contain pure honey, but have been altered as described above. However, one simple test you can do on your own will give you some insight to the product you have in your home. Simply fill a glass about halfway with water and then add some honey to the glass. If the honey is pure, it should not immediately dissolve. But, even this is not absolute proof because the viscosity of the honey also plays a part in how quickly it breaks down.

Are you ready to enjoy pure Manuka honey? We would love you to try one of our products! For a complete listing of all Manuka Honey USA products or to place an order, please click here.

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Honey Making a Splash in the Craft Beer Industry

#1 Choice

Manuka Honey USA is the First and Original Manuka Honey Company on the US East Coast importing pure, raw, natural un-pasteurized Authentic Manuka Honey since 1994, that is UMF Lab Tested, Certified & Licensed…

All Natural

Our honey is pure, raw, natural, un-pasteuized, truly tested and UMF Certified Manuka Honey UMF®16+ from remote valleys and alps in New Zealand.

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