Products Originating from Honey Bees
April 03, 2015
Bee Products and Their Benefits
Whether we know it or not, we have likely encountered honey bee products on our local grocery store shelves. While honey is the most common and recognized of these products, there are a number of other substances that honey bees create that can be useful in our lives. Bees wax, bee pollen, royal jelly, and propolis are all byproducts of bees that are included in many different products and can have a number of great benefits. Here are some of the less common bee products you should know about.
What is Royal Jelly?
Royal jelly is a little known bee byproduct that actually has a number of great uses and benefits. This jelly is the food source for a hive’s queen bee – this product is a mixture of the worker bees secretions from their salivary glands and contains a very high concentration of a number of vitamins, including amino acids and vitamins B5 and B6. Many beauty and skin care companies utilize royal jelly in their products because it is said to a high level of antioxidants and promotes cell growth and regeneration.
What is Bee Pollen?
When we think of pollen, we think of the particles found on plants that cause many of us allergy problems. But bee pollen is not the same type of substance – this type of pollen is the male seed from a plant blossom that is then carried from the flower by the honey bee. This pollen is then mixed with the bee’s digestive enzymes to form “bee pollen.” Bee pollen is rich in amino acids, protein, minerals, vitamins, and enzymes, as well as being low in calories, making it a popular nutrient for athletes.
What is Bee Wax?
Bee wax, more commonly referred to as beeswax is a natural secretion that honey bees create from the wax glands on the sides of their bodies. This substance is the primary material that bees use to create the honey comb cells where bee larvae are born and raise. Honey bees also use these cells to store pollen and honey. The uses for beeswax are truly endless and are included in a number of different products from skin care to furniture polish to candles and much, much more.
What is Propolis?
In addition to collecting pollen, honey bees also collect sticky resins that some trees produce. Bees will then chew on this resin, mixing it with their saliva, and propolis is formed. This substance is very important to the bee’s survival – it helps to protect the bees from disease as well as protecting the hive from climate changes throughout the year. Propolis is known for its antifungal, antiviral, antibacterial, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory properties.
Looking for more great products from bees? Then take a look at our store. Whether you want to window shop or you are ready to place an order, click here.
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